Why Do Girls Tease Then Ghost? One Singaporean Guy Wants Answers

Why Do Girls Tease Then Ghost? One Singaporean Guy Wants Answers
Photo by Rafael Garcin / Unsplash

The Dreaded Ghosting Phenomenon

One Redditor recently took to r/SingaporeRaw to vent about a common dating frustration: why do some girls tease, show interest, then disappear without a trace?

"I met a few girls who I have great chemistry with but why do they always tease then ghost you for no apparent reasons?" – u/horohoro2911

According to the OP, there were no apparent conflicts or "red flags" in the interactions, yet he was left wondering why the connection suddenly fizzled out. Instead of getting closure, he was simply ghosted.

What Singaporeans Had to Say

The post sparked a flurry of comments, with many offering their own theories—some blunt, some sympathetic, and some just brutally honest.

One of the top-voted responses gave a straightforward but harsh take:

"Cos they hooked a better, more handsome, richer fish." – u/rSingaporeModsAreBad

Another user echoed the same sentiment but added a practical perspective:

"Well, with ghosting, they can go back to you if the handsome richer fish plan didn't work out well. You are the back-up plan." – u/smile_politely

Others, however, had a different interpretation. Some pointed out that ghosting often happens not because someone "found better" but simply because they weren’t that interested in the first place.

"They don’t want to be friends with you. I mean, if you met a girl and settled down, do you want her to maintain friendships with guys they met and had a ‘teasing’ (ahem, flirting) relationship with?" – u/pohcc

One comment also suggested that OP might be misunderstanding the situation:

"Maybe to you there was connection because they were playful, but were you engaging back? From your perspective, they’re teasing and nice and flirty, but from their perspective, you’re just a block going ‘yeah’ ‘haha’ ‘you’re so pretty’ etc. So to them... meh, move on." – u/pohcc

Meanwhile, some took a more optimistic approach, reminding OP that rejection isn’t necessarily a reflection of his worth.

"You’re just one of the choices at that current time bro. But don’t fret, one day you’ll be someone’s number one choice." – u/schofield_revolver

Why Do People Ghost?

Ghosting isn’t a new phenomenon, and it isn’t exclusive to Singapore. Across the world, people cut off communication for various reasons—sometimes to avoid an awkward conversation, sometimes because they lost interest, and sometimes because they never saw it as serious in the first place.

For women, especially those who are more active in social circles or dating apps, ghosting is often just an easier way to move on rather than explaining themselves to someone they aren’t keen on. While it may feel unfair, some argue that it avoids unnecessary drama.

There’s also a possibility that the "teasing" was never meant to be a romantic signal in the first place. Some people naturally have a flirty or playful personality, which can sometimes be misinterpreted.

The Reality of Modern Dating

Ultimately, ghosting is just part of the dating landscape, and it’s something most people will experience at some point. While it’s frustrating, one of the best ways to deal with it is simply to move on instead of overanalyzing.

If someone disappears without explanation, it’s usually a sign they weren’t really that interested in the first place. And if they come back later? Probably best not to entertain that.

So, is ghosting just a fact of life in modern dating? Or should people make the effort to give proper closure? What do you think?

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