“Singapore drops to 34th in World Happiness Report – our lowest ever”

“Singapore drops to 34th in World Happiness Report – our lowest ever”

Singapore has fallen four places to rank 34th in the 2025 World Happiness Report — the lowest the country has ever placed since the index was first introduced. The news, posted by Reddit user CybGorn, sparked strong reactions across r/SingaporeRaw, with many questioning what this means for the nation’s quality of life.

According to the report, Singaporeans now report having fewer close social connections outside their immediate families. Respondents also expressed lower levels of satisfaction with their freedom to make life choices. This decline comes despite Singapore maintaining strong economic indicators.

The top spot went to Finland for the eighth year in a row, while Taiwan was ranked the happiest in Asia, even with constant geopolitical tension looming over the island.

“Taiwan is the happiest place in Asia despite being threatened by China all the time and Finland is the happiest place in the world despite sharing a border with Russia.” – CybGorn

Why Finland leads and Singapore lags

Many commenters pointed to structural and cultural differences. Finland’s egalitarian policies, focus on social welfare, and unique electoral system were frequently mentioned.

“In Finland, speeding tickets and other penalties are tied to income. A rich person who speeds will pay a ticket based on a proportion of their income, not a flat amount.” – nordak
“They have freedom of movement in prison compounds. Their pension system is also top notch and generous.” – CybGorn

The contrast with Singapore’s work culture and governance structure was also discussed. Several users argued that Singapore’s model prioritises GDP growth and economic performance over social well-being.

“GDP > happiness. Now get back to your cage and continue working wagie.” – Maleficent_Today_934
“How to be happy if overworked? Money in pocket but cannot sleep enough no meaning leh…” – WaulaoweMOE

Some questioned the sustainability of Singapore’s current approach

“Singapore is being hollowed out by the reliance on finance capital. If it keeps going down the path of financialisation it’s going to end up like the US, with nothing but a service sector serving rich immigrants.” – nordak
“We don’t even have our own water liao, must buy from our neighbour. We are not even food secure… innovation, don’t say lah.” – WaulaoweMOE

A few users also noted the gap between perception and reality.

“Wonder what our happiness ranking would be like if we exclude the wealthy or immigrants that Singapore serves…” – wristss

What’s next?

Some Singaporeans feel the system won’t change unless there's real political will. Others resignedly accepted that this is the “price to pay” for survival in a competitive world.

“This is the price we pay to make Singapore number 1… no other option but to make full use of this sinkies resource which inevitably compromises happiness.” – Automatic_Win_6256

But many agreed on one thing: being a high-performing economy doesn’t automatically make a country a happy one. And the growing discontent around social connection, work-life balance, and life satisfaction may be signalling something deeper that GDP can’t measure.

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